Lee & Izak​
A formidable team, combining operational experience with academic expertise, ensuring cutting-edge approaches to leadership, management, and engagement

Lee & Izak
A Formidable Team
Lee and Izak have worked together since 2003, each excelling in their respective fields. Izak, a mining engineer, held various operational management positions in Gencor and later in Goldfields. He served as the CEO of JSE-listed Sallies Limited, a Fluorspar-miner, before joining ASX- and JSE-listed Gold One Group (previously Aflease Gold) as COO. Lee, holding an environmental management qualification, started her career as a management systems advisor, developing a deep understanding of the basic organisational structure and -business processes associated with mining operations. Her passion for operations formed the basis of the thesis for her MBA, and later on, prompted her doctoral research on employee engagement in the mining industry. This formidable team combines their operational experience and academic expertise to craft, implement, and maintain their tried and tested blueprint for harm-free, efficient, and profitable mining in labour-intensive mining industries.

Shareholder Oversight
Well-experienced in operating in stock exchange-listed mining companies, which allows us to effectively operate across all organisational levels.
We bridge the disconnect often found between the board- and the operations levels.

Izak Marais -
Responsible for overseeing all Operations related production (hard) aspects, including mining efficiencies, technical services, and production performance pertinent to the mining value chain, with a primary focus on the Core Business Processes
Lee Marais -
Responsible for overseeing all Operations related non-production (soft) aspects, including human capital, regulatory compliance and permitting pertinent to the mining value chain, with a primary focus on the Supporting Business Processes